
Create a new project

Kryptoflow comes with a handy cli tool that enables you to perform most of the work. First thing you'd want to do is create a new project. This assumes that kryptoflow is installed.

$ kryptoflow init --name 'test-project' --path '/home/user/projects'

The command will create a new projected located at /home/user/projects/test-project. The directory will look like this:

kafka/                          # Kafka logs, data and config files
serialized/                     # Directory where your serialized tf/sklearn/keras models are stored
docker-compose.yaml             # Docker configuration for kafka and related services
Dockerfile.tfserving            # Docker configuration for tensorflow serving
kryptoflow.yaml                 # Project configuration                        # Keras/tensorflow model
secrets.yaml                    # API secrets for reddit, twitte, gdax

Kafka, TensorFlow Serving

To spin up the required resources, simply run:

docker-compose up

This may take some time if running for the first time, mainly because the TensorfFlow serving container is quite large.

The docker compose file also includes a UI for your Kafka topics. Head to localhost:8000 to check out Kafka's UI (provided by Landoop).

Data Ingestion

Now you can start ingesting data and storing it to Kafka. (If you find yourself wondering why the hell we are using Kafka for this project, a few notes are available on the architecture page).

From your project root directory, you can simply run:

$ kryptoflow scrape --monitor

Obviously, it may take some time until you have enough data to do some meaningful work, but luckily kryptoflow has its own in-built mechanisms to ensure the data ingestion won't stop. We use supervisor alongside with a few failover mechanisms to ensure data is continuously ingested.

To verify that your data is being ingested appropriatley, head to http://localhost:8000 for a visual ui of the Kafka topics being ingested.

Model Training

The file contains a baseline TensorFlow model for you to start playing around with.

$ kryptoflow train --epocs 10 --model

Will kickstart the training process. At the end of the training session, the model will be automatically serialized, and a version will be assigned to it. You can see all the version trained so far in the /serialized directory.

Model Serving

$ kryptoflow serve --model-number 1

This will place the serialized model inside the tensorflow serving container and expose a REST interface through which it can be called

To be continued